cPanel Backup and Restore

cPanel Backup and Restore

CyberSquad IT web hosting features the ability to backup and restore your website at any time via the cPanel interface.

Nightly backups take place automatically, and a total of 2 daily, 1 weekly and 1 monthly backups are made available for download/restore. You can also run a backup manually at any time.

To access the backup interface, first login to cPanel at http://cshosting.com.au/cpanelIf you are unsure of your login details, please contact us.

Once logged in, search for and click "Backup".

Here you can download a copy of your active website, download any of the automatic backups, download partial backups (for files, databases etc) or restore parts of your website. To perform a full restore of your entire website (including all content, databases etc), please contact us.