Sending FAX using GoFAX

Sending FAX using GoFAX

To create a GoFAX account for the first time please click on below referral link and follow the instructions to sign up with GoFAX.

In Step 1 provide your details and read the Term and Conditions of the service. Select the "Referral" and click NEXT to go to the next step.

In Step 2 choose your preferred "Prepaid Package" and activate the "Auto Top Up" by checking the box, if you like to do so. "Enable International Send" only if you need it. 
More information about the pricing and SEND Packages is available at the bottom of this article. Click Next once you select your package.

Step 3 is for setting up Incoming FAXs. Click on "SKIP RECEIVE SERVICE" as this can be facilitated using your 3CX phone system at no additional cost.

Finally, check your order details and finalise the payment in the checkout page to complete your registration.

Once your registration is completed, you can login to GoFAX Clients' Poral using provided username and password. If you are a CyebrSquad customer we can help you to set the "Send Setting" parameters as required.

On the left-hand pane click on "Manage Send Settings", and then click on "Allowed Senders for FAX Send" to expand the section.

Add a new address by providing below information;

  1. Email: You can authorize specific emails, or use * wildcard (*@yourdomain.com.au) to allow all emails from your domain to use (send FAX) the service. Please note it is your responsibility to ensure no unauthorized persons can access/use your service by providing correct details.
  2. CSID (Sender FAX ID): This is your FAX number (CLID)
  3. Header: This could be your business name, or you can leave it blank

To see GoFAX pricing, please navigate to https://www.gofax.com.au/pricing/ and click on the "Send Packages" tab.

For HOW TO SEND to send a FAX from Email (Email2FAX) using GoFAX, please refer to official guide available at below link